What We Do

Newcomer Greetings

HENhaus volunteers would love to have a cup of coffee with you and help make sure you are adjusting well to your new life in Germany with helpful tips and "expat insider secrets" on settling in.  We've been through this as well, and survived; but we also remember well the challenges we faced!  Our volunteers will also help get you connected to other English speaking expats in your area, and any social groups or activities you may be interested in (exercise groups, children's activities, coffee dates, knitting groups and many more!) 
To request a newcomer greeting, please click here

HENhaus Facebook Group  

The HENhaus Facebook group connects you to an existing network of ex-pats over 800 strong. It is used like a forum and you can seek recommendations on anything from A to Z, find out information about the area, organize a coffee date or get together, and ask questions about life in the area. The knowledge of our group members is astounding!  Posts are frequently answered within minutes, and sometimes it just helps to know that someone English speaking is only one click away.

Stork Squads

Since most expats are far away from the support of close family and friends HENhaus hopes to ease that burden, especially when our members go through certain "life events."  Stork Squads were originally designed to support new Mom's, by providing home cooked meals in the first few weeks after baby comes home.  This service has been extended to include others who might have certain medical issues which render them incapacitated for a short period of time.

HENhaus Expat Blog

Before HENhaus even started, the group of ladies who would form the original group membership decided to compile the information they found most helpful about adjusting to life in the area.  This information was the basis for the expat blog, and continues to provide a wealth of helpful information collected by our members, to help newcomers from having to learn everything for themselves!  Visitors may use the search button located at the bottom of the page to search for specific information.

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